Saturday, August 29, 2015


I'm so thankful for this season of life. It has been such a special time as C & I love, pray, and grow together. We've had so many fun adventures over the past (almost) year. I'm so thankful for the memories that are being made and for the foundation we're building with our future family in mind.

I'm loving life with my best friend and am so very thankful. 
Next stop, our 2nd anniversary! 

with love,

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Down right perfect weekend!

What a great weekend C and I had! 

On Friday, once again, we went to another opening night for a Disney movie...sans kids. We always joke about how we are usually the only adults in "kid" movies without kids, but that's our life for now and we love it. 

Big Hero 6 was such a good movie! Not to mention the amazing short before the movie started. I laughed and cried during both. Disney just has a way with my heart! 

Saturday was such a special day. C and I got to participate in the 2014 Houston Buddy Walk. We got to help celebrate and support two special students of mine. We have been looking forward to this day for awhile! On Friday, I had my class make posters and take pictures with our buddies. It is so sweet to see them love and support their classmates. My two little loves did such an awesome job at the walk. They are such troopers as they both get sensory overloaded by loud noises and crowds. I was such a proud teacher as I watched so many people support and celebrate this amazing population and their amazing abilities. I sure do love my kiddos and their amazing families, who entrust their babies to me. 

It's a beautiful thing when a passion and a career come together. Being a special educator is one of the toughest jobs out there, but those precious kiddos make it all worth it. I will always take every opportunity to celebrate my students. I hope I teach them half of what they teach me. 


With love,

Monday, October 27, 2014

Weekend fun & baby love

I'm so thankful for a family filled weekend. My favorite sister-in-law and her sweet family came for a quick visit from San Antonio. It was so nice having all of us together and relaxing at Corey's parents house, which is just a few minutes from our house. We enjoyed lots of yummy food, good talks, and mall walks.  Being far away from my family gets really hard sometimes, but I'm so blessed to have married into such an amazing family that I love so much. Not to mention-we have a brand new gorgeous baby niece! We love Ms. Brynlee Kate so much and look forward to watching her grow! 

Dream big, little one. 

With love, 
Auntie D

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Remembering why I started...

Wow. 11 amazing months have gone by! I can't believe it.

I hate that I've neglected this thing for so long, especially since my whole purpose for starting this was to be able to look back at all the memories we are making. Better late than never-right?

I can't even begin to explain all the amazing things that have gone on since I last posted.
So for my sake of reflecting over the past 11 months-here I go (thanks to Instagram for help):

I turned 24


We moved into our first home together
Made our first big adult purchases together
Had a married little Christmas
Honeymooned in Mexico
Spent a couple of weeks in West TX
Became Auntie D & Uncle C for the 2nd time :)
Went to WDW for the 2nd time together 
Went to Rockets, Texans, & Roadrunner games
Saw the Wizard of Oz at Hobby
Witnessed 3 sets of close friends and family have their special day
And have made countless memories together with family and friends

Being a newlywed is pure bliss. Every little "first" has been so special.
Next month will mark one year of marriage with C. Part of me can't believe it's already (almost) been a year, while the other part feels like it has been forever. I'm so honored to call C my husband. I love our life together.

With love, 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sneak peek....kinda!

The day had finally come to take my bridal pictures.

I spend the whole day getting ready for my "dress rehearsal". I got my nails done, hair done, make up done-it was a blast. It was so much fun getting to put my dress on!

My photographer and I decided that Brazos Bend State Park would be our backdrop and I am SO glad we did. It was amazing! It had exactly what I had wanted. Fields, whimsy trees, Spanish moss, alligators, and so much more.

Not only was the park amazing, my photographer and friend is the absolute best! Jennifer at JMP is just amazing. She is so much fun and really makes it a fun experience. 

I cannot wait to see the rest of them!

Next up-my birthday and THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!

15 days y'all!

With love,

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Since I've been gone...


Here I am, almost 6 months later...

I cannot believe how fast time has gone by. 

In the past 6 months I have:

Seen family I hadn't seen in almost 10 years
Finished my 1st job in a classroom
Got an official teaching job
Planned a wedding 
Crafted my summer away
Found a wedding dress
Celebrated Corey's 25th birthday
Made my debut appearance on my favorite website theBerry
Gone through an amazing marriage prep 
Registered for our wedding
Sent out Save The Dates
Gone to WICKED
Gone to 2 TEXANS game
Began my official 1st year of teaching in a Life Skills Classroom
Gone to The Book of Mormon
Gone to Miranda Lambert with my soon-to-be sister
Sent out invitations
Had 3 wonderful bridal showers
Made it through my 1st 9 weeks of school 

I'm so thankful for all that has happened and I'm getting more and more excited each day for what's to come.

Next up-Bridal portraits with the most amazing photographer JMP!

Only 34 more days until the best day ever!

With love,

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The ring!

 This is my first time linking up, so hopefully I'm doing this right, Whit

I couldn't pass of the opportunity to brag on my ring that I've had for 2 months (tomorrow). 

Absolutely obsessed, y'all...

When C got down on one knee and opened the box to pop the question it was like system overload. All I could think about 'yes, yes, yes!' that I didn't even take a good look at my ring (not that it matter at that moment). I just wanted that baby on my finger! Once we settled down a bit and got to where there was some light I couldn't believe it. He had picked the most perfect ring I had ever seen. I can be a picky person, but man, all I could do was 'ooooh' and 'ahhhh' over it. I couldn't believe he picked it out all on his own (and received confirmation from his sweet momma).

We had never look at rings together or really ever talked about them, so you can understand my aw. Goes to show how well C knows me and what I like.

I stare at it constantly and remind C how perfect it is quite often. He's pretty proud of himself, as he should be. It's so exciting that I get to wear it forever. 

Here is my Vera Wang LOVE collection ring!
(It also has 2 princess cut sapphires below the diamond on both sides which is the signature to the collection and a symbol of faithfulness and everlasting love)

With love,